Web based chemical
Inventory program - registration form. Please register here:
1. To receive zip password for Lite and/or Evaluation versions
2. To get support and update on the chemoventory software
3. To use forums and feedback
4. Up to 20% discount limited time available (Please ask for coupon code)
No Obligation to buy any of the products.
More detail about this software is available at 'our main' page.
XAMPP software web server, PHP application server,
and mysql database to use chemoventory software.
We will provide help to get install these. However, it is your duty to check the compatibility of these in your system.
Before purchase, please try evaluation/Lite version for system compatibility.
To use the forum, you need password. After registration, Please enter your email address in the
forgot password page
This page was last modified on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 22:11:55 -0400